
The application has many database queries embedded in the Engine. To ease onboarding and to aid designing enhancements the full list of queries the application uses is provided.

Helper Queries

Helper queries are not used by the application but can aid development.

List all constraints in the database.

CALL db.constraints

Delete all nodes. (Only do on a database you don't care about.)

match (n) detach delete n;

Create a couple of simple associated Nodes.

  (a:Person {name: 'Steve', mid:123}) - [:association {associationId: 1}] -> (b:Person {name: 'Bob', mid:456}) 
  - [:association {associationId: 2}] -> (c:Person {name: 'Alice', mid:789});

match (b:Person {mid:456})
create (d:DataSet)-[:contains]->(b);
match (x)-[a:association]->(y {mid: 456})
delete a;

match (x)-[a]->(y {mid: 456}) 
where type(a) <> "contains"
delete a;

Working with Elements

Removing associations between Elements.

Removing an association is as simple as deleting the edge. However, care must be taken to not remove the element from the data set. An edge with the label contains is what registers the element with the data set. To remove all inbound associations the following query can be used.

match (x)-[a]->(y {mid: {elementId}}) 
where type(a) <> "contains"
delete a; 

Application Queries



  • Document how to get the Cypher Shell working.
  • Document profile=ing queries using the Cypher profile command. As each query is documented, profile it. Example